During the public forum of the Aug.1, 2022, City Council meeting, Judi Baldwin said that the Picnic was successful and the committee was now looking for a new carnival company. She said there are not many carnivals available in July. She also said that any carnival that come to El Dorado Springs has to have a carousel. Later in the evening, City Manager Bruce Rogers said that the city doesn’t know all the numbers for the 2022 Picnic because they have gotten all the bills. He said the city cleared $2,000 last year and thought this year would be higher.
Hospital CEO Terry Nichols introduced himself to the council and gave a brief overview of his plans for Cedar County Memorial.
Jim Davis and Aaron Ash from Sac Osage were present asking for a letter of support for Sac Osage Rural Broadband Project. The council approved a resolution in support of the project.
The council approved on the first and second reading to grant a franchise to operate a natural gas distribution system within the city to Spire Missouri, Inc.
Rogers mentioned that the trash company is gearing up for automated trash pickup and would require an exact placement of the trash cans. Rogers said that it was the trash companies response to a labor shortage.
Councilman Jim Luster said he didn’t think it was right for the trash company to impose the automated pick-up without the city’s input.
Rogers said the council could invite the company executives to a meeting.
Present at the meeting were councilmen Glenda Baker, Luster, Gabby Kinnett, Mayor Cory Gayman, City Clerk Kandi Baldwin and Rogers.