Walmart’s landscape alterations draw public attention

Published: Apr. 26, 2024 at 7:32 PM CDT
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WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) - The Walmart located on Lawrence Road in Wichita Falls has recently sparked public interest due to extensive landscape alterations, notably the removal of all trees on the premises.

Karen Montgomery Gagne, Principal Planner for the City of Wichita Falls, highlighted a similar issue at another Walmart location on Central Freeway. Concerns were raised regarding bird species posing threats to aviation safety at Sheppard Air Force Base and potential risks to citizens. In response, stakeholders, including representatives from Walmart, the city, and a USDA Wildlife Biologist with Sheppard Air Force Base, collaborated to find a solution.

“We had some success working with Walmart, and we had looked at lighting, is lighting a factor for attracting these birds? Is it the landscape, the habitat that’s on the property?” Gagne stated.

Despite efforts, the bird issue persisted, culminating in a power outage earlier this year. An excessive number of birds sitting on power lines on Lawrence Road caused the powerlines to collapse, leaving Walmart and neighboring businesses without power.

“Obviously, we are very cognizant about issues such as all of the birds congregating there during certain times of the year, so that is definitely something we’re continuing to try to address,” Gagne said.

Steps are now being taken to rectify the issue, especially since most of the birds have migrated for the season, clearing the way for landscaping efforts. A landscaping ordinance exists for businesses in the city, mandating approval for landscaping plans.

According to the ordinance, “the purpose of the landscaping regulation is to improve the quality of life for those living, working, and visiting the city by enhancing the appearance of properties as viewed from rights-of-way, and to assist in attaining increased air quality as it relates to oxygenation and filtration of dust and other airborne pollutants.”

Gagne emphasized the importance of landscaping in the city, indicating that the trees cut down were in coordination with the city. However, a detailed landscaping plan must be followed, incorporating alternative species that will hopefully be less attractive to birds in the long term.

Gagne assured that replacement landscaping will be implemented, although the specifics are still being determined.